- Make sure the phones (e.g. 9971) that are registered to UCM with web access enabled
- To discover devices on UCM, make sure a JTAPI application user is created. This user needs to associate to all devices that wants to monitor
- For EX60, you cannot use empty password for http, otherwise it cannot be discovered
- In order to get the mediatrace to work, correct WSMA configuration is needed on routers and switches, here is the sample:
username panda priv 15 password panda
ip http authentication local
ip http secure-server
ip sla responder
mediatrace responder
mediatrace initiator source-interface GigabitEthernet0/0
wsma agent exec profile WSMA-LISTENER-HTTPS
wsma agent config profile WSMA-LISTENER-HTTPS
wsma profile listener WSMA-LISTENER-HTTPS
transport https
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