Monday, December 28, 2009

Script to turn off PoE power using Energywise

My environment: Cisco 3560E

Besides shutting down the switchport, you can turn off the PoE power via the Energywise command.  Before you run this script, setup your energywise domain with the command “energywise domain panda security shared-secret eatsbamboo”


set timeout 5
log_user 1
set hostlist "pandasw01"
set prompt "pandasw01"
foreach host $hostlist {
#set prompt [append $host "#"]
set promptcfg [append $prompt "(config)#"]
spawn telnet $host
expect $prompt
send "conf t\r"
expect $promptcfg
send "int range fa0/1 - 23\r"
expect $promptcfg
send "energywise level 0\r"
expect $promptcfg
send "end\r"
expect $prompt
send "exit\r"

Script to Turn off Cisco Autonomous Access Point radio interface

My environment: Cisco 861W

You can turn off the radio interface of the autonomous AP when you don’t use it to save power.


set timeout 5
log_user 1
set hostlist "pandaap01"
foreach host $hostlist {
set prompt [append $host "#"]
set promptcfg [append $prompt "(config)#"]
spawn telnet $host
expect $prompt
send "conf t\r"
expect $promptcfg
send "int dot11radio0\r"
expect $promptcfg
send "shut\r"
expect $promptcfg
send "end\r"

Friday, December 18, 2009

Script to backup Cisco Device Config

A handy expect script on Linux to backup your routers, switches, AP, or other IOS devices configuration.  Make sure you have “expect” installed on your Linux box.


set timeout 5
log_user 1

# Include your hosts in the hostlist
set hostlist "rt01 rt02 sw01 sw02"
foreach host $hostlist {
set prompt [append $host "#"]
spawn telnet $host
expect $prompt
send "term len 0\r"
expect $prompt
set time [exec date \+\%y\%m\%dT\%H\%MJ]
set filename [append host "-" $time]

# The config file storage location
log_file /home/pandaeatsbamboo/cfgbackup/$filename
send "show run\r"
expect $prompt
send "exit\r"

Auto Smartports Macros

My environment: Cisco 3560E, IOS 12.2(53)SE

Auto Smartports Macros is a feature that provide easy and automatic way in deploying switchport configuration based on the endpoint types.  The device is identified based on CDP, MAC address, OUI etc.

To enable Auto Smartports:

macro auto global processing

You might want to change the Auto Smarport Macro default value say for example the access and voice vlan, say for example if you want to change the IP phone access vlan to 10 and voice vlan to 20:

macro auto device phone ACCESS_VLAN=10 VOICE_VLAN=20

to verify the change, type:

show macro auto device


If the end device doesn’t support CDP, you can classify the device based on OUI (the first 3 bytes of the MAC address) or full MAC address.  Say for example you want to use mac address trigger for your digital media player (DMP) which is not defined in the default OUI list.

macro auto mac-address group DMP-MAC-GROUP

mac-address list 000f.1234.5678


to verify, type:

show macro auto address-group

To see which port applies what macros:

show macro auto interface


show run interface gi0/16


Tuesday, December 15, 2009

CIFS Mounted Drive for Apache

My environment: Apache 2.2.9 on Fedora Core 10 x86_64

Although it is not a good idea to do something like this, I’ve come across a case that I need to mount a CIFS drive and serve the content inside for an apache web server on Linux.  After some googling, the trick to make this work is to turn off a parameter called EnableSendfile in httpd.conf

# EnableSendfile: Control whether the sendfile kernel support is
# used to deliver files (assuming that the OS supports it).
# The default is on; turn this off if you serve from NFS-mounted
# filesystems.  Please see
EnableSendfile off

Sunday, December 6, 2009

IPv6 PTR Record configuration in BIND

My environment: RedHat Fedora Core 12 x86_64

BIND version: bind-9.6.1-11.P1.fc12.x86_64

Let’s see an example how to configure IPv6 reverse lookup record in BIND.

Forward Lookup:

www   AAAA   2001:123:45:678:20c:29ff:fe6a:7f93

It just like normal IPv4 host record, except it is a “AAAA” record instead of an “A” record.

Reverse Lookup zone configuration in named.conf:

zone "" {
        type master;
        file "2001.123.45.678-db";

The name of the zone is the reverse of the /64 prefix 2001:123:45:678::/64

In the reverse lookup zone file, the PTR record is:

3.9.f.7.a.6.e.f.f.f.9.2.c.0.2.0   IN   PTR   www

The PTR record is the reverse of the host portion of the IPv6 address.

Try a dig -x 2001:123:45:678:20c:29ff:fe6a:7f93 and see if the BIND server replies with the reverse lookup record correctly.

IPv6 Tunnel Broker Setup on IOS router

My environment: Cisco 2801 router

IOS version: 12.4(24)T1 Advanced Enterprise

I have registered an account on Hurricane Electric, it is free and you will get an tunnel IPv6 address and a routed /64 block IPv6 address. Follow the below steps to get your tunnel working:

1. Enable IPv6 unicast routing

 ipv6 unicast routing

2. Configure your tunnel to HE

interface Tunnel0
description IPv6 tunnel to HE Tunnel Broker
no ip address
ipv6 address <Your Tunnel IPv6 Address>
ipv6 enable
tunnel source <Your Internet facing interface>
tunnel destination <HE tunnel destination IPv4 address>
tunnel mode ipv6ip

3. Configure your LAN-facing interface

interface FastEthernet0/0
ip address <LAN IP address>
ipv6 address <The routed /64 address provided by HE>
ipv6 enable
ipv6 nd prefix
<The prefix of the routed /64 address>

4. Create a IPv6 default route

ipv6 route ::/0 Tunnel0

5. If you doesn’t have a fixed Internet IP address, you can use the DDNS service to update the tunnel IP address

ip ddns update method v6tunnelbroker
interval maximum 1 0 0 0
interval minimum 1 0 0 0

interface FastEthernet0/1
ip ddns update v6tunnelbroker host


You should be able to access the IPv6 Internet now!  Try to access from a PC behind the router!

Tuesday, December 1, 2009

Date/Time Group settings not effective on IP Phone

UCM Version:

IP Phone: 7942, 7965 with firmware version 8.5.2SR1

Normally if you want different phones to display time in different timezone, you can create multiple Date/Time Group and then apply to the respective Device Pool on UC Manager.  I’ve found it is not working on my UC Manager.  I tried to change the time zone from GMT to

(GMT+8:00) Asia/Hong_Hong

It doesn’t work.  The phone still shows the GMT timezone.  Other settings like I’ve change the Separator to “-“ dash, the changes is effective on the phone, only the timezone is not working.  After some research I’ve found that my phone load 8.5.2SR1 or even the latest 8.5.3, only support the timezone with the “*” entry.  In my case, change it to

(GMT+8:00) Australia/Perth*

and it works like a charm!

Monday, November 30, 2009

Failed to Install IPv6 on Windows XP

I have tried to install IPv6 on my Windows XP laptop using the command line “ipv6 install” and it failed with the error message “Failed to complete action, Error 0x800704b8”.  When I tried to do it via GUI and it showed an error dialog box “An extended error has occured”.  After some googling, I solve my problem with the following command:

esentutl /p %windir%\security\Database\secedit.sdb

Try to run the ipv6 install again and it works like a charm!

Thursday, November 19, 2009

I don’t have Cisco Unity Inbox after logon Unity PCA. I can only see Cisco Unity Assistant. Why?

My environment: Unity 7.0.2

First thing is you have to make sure you have license to access Cisco Unity Inbox.  Second thing is make sure you have turned it on under “Class Of Service” > “Features”.


MWI isn’t turned on! What’s wrong with the Unity SIP integration?

My environment: UC Manager, Unity 7.0.2

SIP integration doesn’t use MWI DN numbers to turn on and off MWI.  Unity will inform UCM to turn on and off MWI by sending a SIP NOTIFY to UCM. 

To make sure UCM accepts the SIP NOTIFY and update the phone MWI status, check your SIP trunk configuration.  Make sure the “Incoming Call CSS” under your SIP trunk configuration includes the partition of the DN!  After setting the “Incoming Call CSS”, go to the Unity admin page, under the subscriber settings, the message configuration, refresh the MWI status.  You will the the MWI of the phone lights up!

Single Number Reach is not working! Only local phone rings!

My environment: UC Manager

One of the common area that you will miss out is the “Remote Destination Profile” configuration.  Make sure the “Rerouting Calling Search Space” contains your partition that is used for outgoing call.  Check what is your partition used in the outgoing call route pattern and include it into the Rerouting CSS!

“You are not a valid mobile phone user”

My environment: UC Manager

This is a common error when you try to configure the mobility softkey or line key for Mobile connect.  All you need to do is to configure the “Owner User ID” under “Phone Configuration”. 

If you have extension mobility enabled on that phone, you will find the “Owner User ID” being grey out.  The current work around is to uncheck the extension mobility check box under “Phone configuration”, configure the “Owner User ID”, then recheck the Extension mobility checkbox!

Setting up a sFTP server on Windows for DRS

My environment: UC Manager

For security reason, DRS only allows to transfer backup files to sFTP server if you don’t want to backup to tape.  Here is a simple tutorial on how to setup a sFTP server on Windows.

1. Get the OpenSSH windows package here.  Install it.

2. Open a command prompt, go to the installation directory.  e.g. c:\program files\openssh

3. Create group file in command prompt

mkgroup –l >> ..\etc\group

4. Add user to passwd file.  The users need to be an existing Windows user.  Say for example the username is panda.

mkpasswd –l –u panda >> ..\etc\passwd

5. You can change the home folder in passwd file.  Otherwise your home folder will be the OpenSSH installation folder.

6. Start the OpenSSH service.

7. Very important reminder is, make sure you have write permission to your home folder, otherwise DRS can’t write to it!

Can’t create backup device in Disaster Recovery System

My environment: UC Manager

This error message has spent me an hour to troubleshoot, I think it can be phrased better.

Update failed : Unable to access SFTP server or SFTP server too slow to respond.  Please make sure the login credentials and path are correct.

If you are pretty sure that the sFTP server is setup correctly, and you can access the sFTP server via WinSCP.  Check the permission of the folder, make sure the sFTP server user can write to that folder.  It was the permission problem that spent me an hour to troubleshoot!

Prevent Toll Fraud in Ad Hoc Conference

My environment: UC Manager

By default, the ad hoc conference behavior is when the conference controller A calls B and C to create a 3-way conference, B and C’s call will continue when A hangs up.  You can change this behavior by changing the Service Parameters > Cisco CallManager > Drop Ad Hoc Conference in UC Manager.  When the conference controller leaves, or all the on-net participants left the conference, the conference will drop.

Never (the default option)

The conference remains active a) after the conference controller hangs, and b) after all OnNet parties hang up. Be aware that choosing this option means that if OnNet parties conference in OffNet parties and then disconnect, the conference stays active between the OffNet parties, which could result in potential toll fraud.

When Conference Controller Leaves

Terminate the conference when the conference controller hangs up or when the conference controller transfers, redirects, or parks the conference call and the retrieving party hangs up.

When No OnNet Parties Remain in the Conference

Terminate the conference when there are no OnNet parties remaining in the conference.

Disable Call Waiting on your phone

My environment: UC Manager

For some reason you might want to disable call waiting on your 7900 series IP phone.  One of the reason is you want to test out the Call Forward Busy easily by only making 2 calls to a phone.  Go to the DN settings and make the “Maximum number of calls” and “Busy Trigger”to “1”.  Your phone will now only accept 1 call!


Speed Dial BLF is not working? I can’t monitor the phone presence status!

My environment: UC Manager

First thing to check is to make sure you have enabled the “BLF for Call List” in Enterprise Parameters.  More details here.

Second thing is to make sure you have configure the “Subscribe CSS” under Phone Configuration.  The Subscribe CSS should include the partition of the DN that you are monitoring.


Monday, November 16, 2009

Enable Phone Presence on Call List

My environment: UC Manager

To enable phone presence status on Call List, change the “BLF for Call List” parameter at “Enterprise Parameters” from the default “Disable” to “Enable”.  Reset the phone to make the changes effective.


Thursday, November 12, 2009

Configuring Extension Mobility on UC Manager

My Environment: UC Manager

Extension mobility allows user temporarily access the phone extension numbers and configuration by logon other IP phones.  This is a quick tutorial to guide you through step-by-step:

1. Make sure Cisco Extension Mobility service is activated under Unified Serviceability

2. Create Extension Mobility Phone Service

“Device” > “Device Settings” > “Phone Services”

The service URL is:



3. Create a default device profile for each phone type that you want to support Cisco Extension Mobility

“Device” > “Device Settings” > “Default Device Profile”

4. Create the user device profile for a user

“Device” > “Device Settings” > “Device Profile”


5. Associate the end user to the device profile


6. Enable Extension Mobility on phone and subscribe IP phone service

“Device” > “Phone”



Medianet Autoprovisioning Demo

The switch recognize the device via CDP or by other customized ways to autoprovision the switchport configuration based on what kinds of device plugged in.  This auto smartport is available on 12.2(52)SE for most of the Cisco fixed configuration switches.

Single Button Barge

My Environment: UC Manager

The single button barge or cBarge allows a user to press the shared line button of the remotely active call (the phone that is in remote in use state), to be added to the call with all parties.

Barge – uses Built-in conference bridge of the phone that is being barged

cBarge – Using the shared conference bridge

Most of the settings are done under “System” > “Service Parameters”

1. Set the “Built-in Bridge Enable” parameter to “On”.  This step is only required if you want to configure Barge rather than cBarge.


2. Set the “Party Entrance Tone”to “True”


3.  To enable single button barge for all users, set the “single button barge / cBarge” to either barge or cBarge


4. The phone privacy is turned on by default.  You can turn it off globally or by individual phone or using the privacy programmable line key.


5. Try the single button barge now!

Using UC Manager Software Conference Bridge as conferencing resource

My environment: UC Manager

You can either use the DSP on ISR as conferencing resource, or using the software conference bridge comes with UC Manager.  This tutorial is a quick guide how to configure and use UC Manager Software conference bridge (CFB) for audio conference.

1.  Go to UC Manager Administration page. 

“Media Resources” > “Conference Bridge”.  Make sure your software conference bridge is registered to your UCM.  You don’t have to do anything, it should be enabled by default.


2. Create a Media Resource Group to include your CFB.

“Media Resources” > “Media Resource Group” > “Add New”


3. Put your Media Resource Group into a Media Resource Group List

“Media Resources” > “Media Resource Group List” > “Add New”


4. Assign the Media Resource Group List (MRGL) into the Device Pool or the phone

“System” > “Device Pool”


5. Reset the phone and try to make a 3-party conference call!

Monday, November 9, 2009

VMWorld 2009 – Building the event Datacenter


Impressive saving on space and power with VMWare + Cisco UCS!

Friday, August 14, 2009

802.1q configuration on Linux

My environment: RH FC8 x86_64

1. Make sure the 802.1q module is added to the kernel 

modprobe 8021q

2. Add a subinterface.  In this example 170 is the 802.1q VLAN ID.

vconfig add eth0 170

3. Create the NIC configuration file



4. Restart the network service

/etc/init.d/network restart

Tuesday, August 4, 2009

Enable IPv6 function on 3560/3750

You’ll need the proper SDM template to enable v4, v6 dual stack on 3560/3750/3560E/3750E

Switch(config) # sdm prefer dual-ipv4-and-ipv6 default

IPv6 General Prefix

My environment: Cisco Catalyst 3560E

IOS: 12.2(50)SE2, Advanced IP services

This is a handy feature provides quick and easy way to deploy prefix changes


ipv6 general-prefix DEV C0:A8:A::/48

int fa0/1

ipv6 addr DEV ::1/48

Your IPv6 address of fa0/1 is equal to C0:A8:A::1/48

Configuring IPv6 address on Linux

My environment: RH FC8 x86_64

To enable IPv6 globally, modify the file

# vi /etc/sysconfig/network

And append the following:


Then change the NIC config file

# vi /etc/sysconfig/network-scripts/ifcfg-eth0

And append the following IPv6 parameters:


If you want to acquire the IPv6 address via DHCPv6 server, first make sure you have the DHCPv6 client installed:

# rpm –q dhcpv6-client

then modifiy the NIC config file and append the following parameters:

# vi /etc/sysconfig/network-scripts/ifcfg-eth0


Edit the main DHCPv6 client config file

# cp /usr/share/doc/dhcpv6-client-*/dhcp6c.conf /etc/
# vi /etc/dhcp6c.conf

interface eth0 {
    send rapid-commit;
    request domain-name-servers;

Restart the network service

# /etc/init.d/network restart

Then check your eth0 configuration to make sure you get the ipv6 address:

# ifconfig eth0

Monday, August 3, 2009

Configuring Windows 2003 Server DNS in IPv6 environment

My environment: Windows 2003 Server Enterprise edition

You can configure your Windows 2K3 server to listen over IPv6, what you need to do is to enable it through command prompt:

dnscmd /config /EnableIPv6 1

Then restart your DNS service.

To add an IPv6 host record, you’ll need to add an “AAAA” record instead of an “A” host record like you did in IPv4.

Right click on your domain name in the forward lookup zones, choose “Other New Records”


Add a new AAAA record:



To check if it is working, you can either using nslookup on Windows or dig on Linux:

dig -6 @c0:a8:a::c8 AAAA


nslookup –q=AAAA


Configuring Static ipv6 address and default route on Windows 2003 Server

My environment: Windows 2003 Server Enterprise Edition

There is no GUI for ipv6 static address configuration, you can configure it through the netsh CLI:

netsh interface ipv6 set privacy disabled

netsh interface ipv6 add address interface="Local Area Connection" address=2001:1:1::200 store=persistent

netsh interface ipv6 add route ::/0 interface="Local Area Connection" 2001:1:1::1 store=persistent

To verify:

ipconfig /all

ping 2001:1:1::1

netstat -rn

Enable RH FC 10 root login

My environment: RH FC 10 x86_64

Although it is not recommended to login GNOME GUI as root, sometimes you just need to do it.  Firstly, type the following in your terminal prompt:

1. su

2. Enter your root password
3. vi /etc/pam.d/gdm

and comment the following line:

# auth required user != root quiet

Tuesday, July 21, 2009

Configure Extension Mobility on Cisco Unified Communications Express

My environment: CME 7.1, IOS 12.4(24)T1 on Cisco 2821 ISR

Extension mobility provides the benefit of mobility for end users, which allows a user with a configured profile to log into a phone other than their own and have access to their personal settings.

There are 4 configurable steps required for EM:

1. Configure CME for EM service:

c2821-cme(config)#ip http server
-cme(config-telephony)#url authentication secretname psswrd
Updating CNF files
CNF files updating complete

-cme(config-telephony)#authentication credential secretname psswrd

2. Configure a Logout profile for an IP phone (ephone):

c2821-cme(config)#voice logout-profile 1
-cme(config-logout-profile)#pin 9999
-cme(config-logout-profile)#user emphone password 123456
-cme(config-logout-profile)#number 4005

3. Enable IP phone for EM:

c2821-cme(config-logout-profile)#ephone 2
-cme(config-ephone)#logout-profile 1

4. Configure a user profile:

c2821-cme(config-ephone)#voice user-profile 1
-cme(config-user-profile)#pin 12345
-cme(config-user-profile)#user panda pass cisco
-cme(config-user-profile)#number 4105

Configuration Video:


Before Login


EM Service


Enter username and password defined in user-profile


Login Successfully




Enable Presence Service on Cisco Unified Communications Manager Express

My environment: CME 7.1, IOS 12.4(24)T1 on Cisco 2821 ISR

An iPhone app for CME Config Generation:

Presence enables the calling party to know before dialing whether the called party is available.  It also supports Busy Lamp Field (BLF) speed-dial and phone presence status on directory call-list.
To configure the presence service, you need to:
1. Enable Presence Service
c2821-cme(config-sip-ua)#presence enable
c2821-cme(config-presence)#max-subscription 100
c2821-cme(config-presence)#presence call-list

2. Enable Directory Number (DN) to be watched

c2821-cme#conf t
Enter configuration commands, one per line.  End with CNTL/Z.
c2821-cme(config)#ephone-dn 2
c2821-cme(config-ephone-dn)#allow watch

3. Configure phone 1 to monitor BLF status for ephone-dn 2 (4002).

c2821-cme(config)#ephone 1
c2821-cme(config-ephone)#blf-speed-dial 1 4002 label "Steve Jobs"

Configuration video:

Screenshots for BLF service for speed-dial and call-list:



Sunday, July 19, 2009

Getting Flash Player to work on 64-bit Linux

My environment: RH FC8 x86_64
Flash Player version:
Firefox version: 3.0.9

Adobe has released an alpha version of flash player on 64-bit Linux and to get this working on your 64-bit Linux box, go to Adobe site to download the shared object library:

Untar the file then you will get the flash player .so file:

Copy it to ~/.mozilla/plugins, if the folder doesn't exist, create the folder by yourselves. Restart the browser then you are now able to view Flash content via your firefox on your 64-bit Linux box.

Tuesday, July 14, 2009

Configuring Local Route Group on CUCM 7.0

Local Route Group is a new feature introduced in CUCM 7.0, it helps to reduce the complexity and maintenance efforts of provisioning in a centralized UCM deployment that uses a large number of locations.  It decouples the location of a PSTN gateway from the route patterns that we are used to access the gateway, and therefore reduce the number of route lists and route patterns that need to provisioned for implementations on UCM.

Configuration Screen Capture on Youtube:

Post-init cnf creation is in progress, pls re-issue this command later

My environment: Cisco ISR 2821 router, IOS 12.4(24)T Advanced Enterprise
CME version:
If you see this error message when you issue the “create cnf-file” command, very likely that you have missed a configuration parameters under “telephony-service”
Make sure you have:
ip source-address port 2000
under your telephony-service.
You’ll also need to synchronize you router hardware clock with the NTP source before issue the “create cnf-file” command.

An iPhone app for CME Config Generation:

Cisco Unified Communications Manager Express Installation 101

In this post I will cover the basic steps to install the CME and enabling the CME GUI.

My environment: Cisco ISR 2821 router, IOS 12.4(24)T Advanced Enterprise
CME version:

1. Firstly, download the file cme-full- from CCO.  This TAR file includes MOH, ringtones, 797x backgrounds, phone loads and updated GUI files for 12.4(24)T.


2. Update your router IOS to version 12.4(24)T.


3. Copy the cme-full- file from tftp file to router flash:
copy tftp:// flash:


4. Extract your cme tar file to your flash root directory:
archive tar /xtract flash:cme-full- flash:


5. You should see something similar on flash.

    4  -rw-     2034176  Jul 14 2009 15:34:58 +08:00  cme-bacd-
26 -rw- 5134 Jul 14 2009 15:38:48 +08:00 7970-71-75-Background-readme-v1.txt
25 -rw- 2593969 Jul 14 2009 15:38:56 +08:00 APPS-1.2.1.SBN
9 -rw- 780 Jun 20 2008 02:32:12 +08:00 vlan.dat
11 -rw- 59415588 Jul 13 2009 20:30:20 +08:00 c2800nm-adventerprisek9-mz.124-24.T1.bin
24 -rw- 2925555 Jul 14 2009 15:39:08 +08:00 apps11.8-4-1-23.sbn
23 -rw- 2925555 Jul 14 2009 15:39:18 +08:00 apps31.8-4-1-23.sbn
22 -rw- 7892498 Jul 14 2009 15:39:46 +08:00 apps37sccp.1-2-1-0.bin
21 -rw- 2915997 Jul 14 2009 15:39:58 +08:00 apps41.8-4-1-23.sbn
20 -rw- 2918613 Jul 14 2009 15:40:08 +08:00 apps42.8-4-1-23.sbn
19 -rw- 2918613 Jul 14 2009 15:40:20 +08:00 apps45.8-4-1-23.sbn
18 -rw- 2915997 Jul 14 2009 15:40:30 +08:00 apps70.8-4-1-23.sbn
17 -rw- 2918613 Jul 14 2009 15:40:42 +08:00 apps75.8-4-1-23.sbn
16 -rw- 13301 Jul 14 2009 15:40:42 +08:00 CME-7-1-full-readme-v.1.1.txt
28 -rw- 463556 Jul 14 2009 15:40:44 +08:00 cnu11.8-4-1-23.sbn
29 -rw- 464028 Jul 14 2009 15:40:46 +08:00 cnu31.8-4-1-23.sbn
30 -rw- 459836 Jul 14 2009 15:40:48 +08:00 cnu41.8-4-1-23.sbn
31 -rw- 485066 Jul 14 2009 15:40:50 +08:00 cnu42.8-4-1-23.sbn
32 -rw- 485266 Jul 14 2009 15:40:52 +08:00 cnu45.8-4-1-23.sbn
33 -rw- 460275 Jul 14 2009 15:40:54 +08:00 cnu70.8-4-1-23.sbn
34 -rw- 485244 Jul 14 2009 15:40:56 +08:00 cnu75.8-4-1-23.sbn
35 -rw- 894 Jul 14 2009 15:40:58 +08:00 CP7921G-1.2.1.LOADS
15 -rw- 2666103 Jul 14 2009 15:41:08 +08:00 cvm11sccp.8-4-1-23.sbn
14 -rw- 2661176 Jul 14 2009 15:41:18 +08:00 cvm31sccp.8-4-1-23.sbn
13 -rw- 2660448 Jul 14 2009 15:41:28 +08:00 cvm41sccp.8-4-1-23.sbn
12 -rw- 2659498 Jul 14 2009 15:41:38 +08:00 cvm42sccp.8-4-1-23.sbn
3 -rw- 2662633 Jul 14 2009 15:41:48 +08:00 cvm45sccp.8-4-1-23.sbn
2 -rw- 2665016 Jul 14 2009 15:41:58 +08:00 cvm70sccp.8-4-1-23.sbn
36 -rw- 2661855 Jul 14 2009 15:42:08 +08:00 cvm75sccp.8-4-1-23.sbn
37 drw- 0 Jul 14 2009 15:42:08 +08:00 Desktops
56 -rw- 335003 Jul 14 2009 15:42:20 +08:00 dsp11.8-4-1-23.sbn
57 -rw- 335003 Jul 14 2009 15:42:22 +08:00 dsp31.8-4-1-23.sbn
58 -rw- 539441 Jul 14 2009 15:42:24 +08:00 dsp41.8-4-1-23.sbn
59 -rw- 335003 Jul 14 2009 15:42:26 +08:00 dsp42.8-4-1-23.sbn
60 -rw- 335003 Jul 14 2009 15:42:26 +08:00 dsp45.8-4-1-23.sbn
61 -rw- 539441 Jul 14 2009 15:42:28 +08:00 dsp70.8-4-1-23.sbn
62 -rw- 335003 Jul 14 2009 15:42:30 +08:00 dsp75.8-4-1-23.sbn
63 drw- 0 Jul 14 2009 15:42:30 +08:00 gui
82 -rw- 1833102 Jul 14 2009 15:42:50 +08:00 GUI-1.2.1.SBN
83 -rw- 485341 Jul 14 2009 15:42:52 +08:00 jar11sccp.8-4-1-23.sbn
84 -rw- 485636 Jul 14 2009 15:42:54 +08:00 jar31sccp.8-4-1-23.sbn
85 -rw- 500440 Jul 14 2009 15:42:56 +08:00 jar41sccp.8-4-1-23.sbn
86 -rw- 628112 Jul 14 2009 15:42:58 +08:00 jar42sccp.8-4-1-23.sbn
87 -rw- 754716 Jul 14 2009 15:43:02 +08:00 jar45sccp.8-4-1-23.sbn
88 -rw- 700829 Jul 14 2009 15:43:04 +08:00 jar70sccp.8-4-1-23.sbn
89 -rw- 757132 Jul 14 2009 15:43:08 +08:00 jar75sccp.8-4-1-23.sbn
90 -rw- 496521 Jul 14 2009 15:43:10 +08:00
91 drw- 0 Jul 14 2009 15:43:10 +08:00 ringtones
125 -rw- 658 Jul 14 2009 15:43:28 +08:00 SCCP11.8-4-2S.loads
126 -rw- 639 Jul 14 2009 15:43:28 +08:00 SCCP31.8-4-2S.loads
127 -rw- 638 Jul 14 2009 15:43:28 +08:00 SCCP41.8-4-2S.loads
128 -rw- 658 Jul 14 2009 15:43:28 +08:00 SCCP42.8-4-2S.loads
129 -rw- 638 Jul 14 2009 15:43:30 +08:00 SCCP45.8-4-2S.loads
130 -rw- 638 Jul 14 2009 15:43:30 +08:00 SCCP70.8-4-2S.loads
131 -rw- 638 Jul 14 2009 15:43:30 +08:00 SCCP75.8-4-2S.loads
132 -rw- 2083047 Jul 14 2009 15:43:38 +08:00 SYS-1.2.1.SBN
133 -rw- 662 Jul 14 2009 15:43:38 +08:00 term06.default.loads
134 -rw- 662 Jul 14 2009 15:43:40 +08:00 term11.default.loads
135 -rw- 643 Jul 14 2009 15:43:40 +08:00 term31.default.loads
136 -rw- 642 Jul 14 2009 15:43:40 +08:00 term41.default.loads
137 -rw- 662 Jul 14 2009 15:43:40 +08:00 term42.default.loads
138 -rw- 642 Jul 14 2009 15:43:40 +08:00 term45.default.loads
139 -rw- 642 Jul 14 2009 15:43:42 +08:00 term61.default.loads
140 -rw- 662 Jul 14 2009 15:43:42 +08:00 term62.default.loads
141 -rw- 642 Jul 14 2009 15:43:42 +08:00 term65.default.loads
142 -rw- 642 Jul 14 2009 15:43:42 +08:00 term70.default.loads
143 -rw- 642 Jul 14 2009 15:43:44 +08:00 term71.default.loads
144 -rw- 642 Jul 14 2009 15:43:44 +08:00 term75.default.loads
145 -rw- 895905 Jul 14 2009 15:43:46 +08:00 TNUX-1.2.1.SBN
146 -rw- 2196478 Jul 14 2009 15:43:56 +08:00 TNUXR-1.2.1.SBN
147 -rw- 1350650 Jul 14 2009 15:44:00 +08:00 WLAN-1.2.1.SBN

6. Enable HTTP server on the router:

ip http server

7. Specify the HTTP root path, in my case it is flash:gui.

ip http path flash:gui

8. Define an inital username and password for system administrator to access the GUI and enable the GUI to be used to set the time and edit DN:


web admin system name panda password eatsbamboo



9. To access CME GUI: