Sunday, February 3, 2008

Cisco Communications Manager Express - Class Of Restriction (COR)

You might be already very familiarize with partition and Calling Search Space in Communications Manager, but can we do similar call privileges in CUCME? Yes, COR can do the job.

The incoming COR is like having a key
The lack of an incoming COR is like having a master key that can unlock all locks

The outgoing COR is like a lock
The lack of an outgoing COR is like having no lock

Configuring Class of Restriction (COR)

Steps to configure COR:
1. Configure the class of restriction names.
2. Configure the class of restriction lists and members.
3. Assign the COR list to the dial peers.
4. Assign the COR to the ephone-dns.

1. Configuring Class of Restriction Names

dial-peer cor custom
name emergency
name local
name longdistance
name international
name hotline

2. Configuring Class of Restriction List

dial-peer cor list lobbyphone
member emergency

dial-peer cor list employeephone
member emergency
member local

dial-peer cor list salesphone
member emergency
member local
member longdistance

dial-peer cor list executivephone
member emergency
member local
member longdistance
member international

dial-peer cor list DestinationEmergency
member emergency

dial-peer cor list DestinationLocal
member local

dial-peer cor list DestinationLongDistance
member longdistance

dial-peer cor list DestinationInternational
member international

dial-peer cor list DestinationHotline
member hotline

3. Assigning COR lists to dial peers

dial-peer voice 911 pots
cor outgoing DestinationEmergency

dial-peer voice 9911 pots
cor outgoing DestinationEmergency

dial-peer voice 92 pots
cor outgoing DestinationLocal

dial-peer voice 91 pots
cor outgoing DestinationLongDistance
destination-pattern 91[2-8]

dial-peer voice 9011 pots
cor outgoing DestinationInternational

dial-peer voice 11 pots
cor outgoing DestinationLocal

dial-peer voice 9 pots
cor outgoing DestinationLocal

dial-peer voice 7777 pots
cor outgoing DestinationLocal

! Hotline Dial peer
dial-peer voice 919000 pots
description Hotline
cor outgoing DestinationHotline
destination-pattern 91900
port 0/0/1:23
forward-digits all

4. Assign COR to the Ephone-dns

ephone-dn 1
cor incoming executivephone

ephone-dn 2
cor incoming salesphone

ephone-dn 3
cor incoming employeephone

ephone-dn 4
cor incoming lobbyphone

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